Fiscal Agreement: FY 2014 Appropriations Bill is Enacted

2 min read

On January 17, President Obama signed into   law a FY 2014 appropriations bill (H.R. 3547) that eases the reduced spending levels caused by sequestration.

The compromise omnibus measure, approved a few days earlier by Congress, funds the federal government through September 30, 2014, authorizing $1.012 trillion in total discretionary spending. For the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (FY 2014), the FY 2014 appropriation is $45.5 billion, almost $4 billion higher than the FY 2013 post-sequestration level. Some HUD programs are funded at higher levels than FY 2013 while some programs have cuts.

The legislation provides $2.4 billion for rural housing programs operated by USDA Rural Housing Service.

Other provisions in the legislation:


  • Extend through December 31, 2014, the authority to convert current subsidies for Rent Supplement, Rental Assistance, and Mod Rehab units under HUD’s Rental Assistance Program to project-based assistance. The measure, though, doesn’t raise the current 60,000 unit cap on public housing conversions.
  • Extend the HOPE VI program through September 30, 2014, without any new funding.
  • Direct the USDA Secretary to develop proposals for reforming the Section 521 rural rental assistance program to ensure its long-term stability and sustainability.



                Comparison of Enacted FY 2014 and FY 2013 Appropriations

(in millions)

HUD Programs FY 2013 Enacted1 FY 2014
Change from FY 2013 (%)
Project-Based Rental Assistance $8,854 $9,917 12.0%
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance $17,955 $19,177 6.8%
Public Housing Capital Fund $1,778 $1,875 5.5%
Public Housing Operating Fund $4,040 $4,400 8.9%
HOME Investment Partnerships $948 $1,000 5.5%
Choice Neighborhoods $114 $90 -21.1%
CDBG Formula Grants $3,079 $3,030 -1.6%
Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) $355 $384 8.2%
Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities (Section 811) $156 $126 -19.2%
Native America Housing Block Grants $616 $650 5.5%
Homeless Assistance Grants $1,927 $2,105 9.2%
Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS $315 $330 4.8%
USDA Rural Housing Service Programs
Section 515 Rural Rental Direct Loans $30 $28 -6.7%
Section 538  Guaranteed Rural Rental Loans $142 $150 5.6%
Section 521 Rural Rental Assistance $860 $1,110 29.1%
Multi-Family Housing Revitalization $26 $33 26.9%

1      Estimated funding level after 5% cut by sequestration