Funding Opportunities

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Tax Credit Advisor, November 2009:

HUD Announces Availability of Homeless Assistance Funds

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued a notice of funding availability (NOFA) to solicit applications for $1.43 billion available under the Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program. The funds can be used for activities to assist homeless individuals to move toward self sufficiency and permanent housing. Application deadline: 11/9/09.

HUD Announces Availability of Family Unification Vouchers

HUD on October 6 announced the availability of about $14.6 million to select applicants under the Family Unification Program. The funds will provide incremental housing voucher assistance to provide adequate housing as a means to promote family unification. In accordance with the FY 2009 HUD Appropriations Act, the funding must be provided to entities with demonstrated experience and resources for supportive services. The notice lists the specific public housing authorities that are eligible to apply for the funds and the amount of funds and number of vouchers available to each. Application deadline: 12/3/09.

USDA Solicits Applications for Rural Economic Funds

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is soliciting applications for funds under the Rural Development Economic Loan and Grant Program. Funds will be available if there is an FY 2010 appropriation. Under the program, USDA offers funds that can be passed through utilities to rural businesses and others for eligible activities and projects that promote economic development. Examples of eligible activities include revolving loan funds, business incubators, and educational and medical facilities. The next application deadline is 12/31/09.