Special Section:
RAD to the Rescue

Talking Heads: Tom Davis, HUD Office of Recapitalization, How to do a RAD deal

RAD’s Revision 3
Highlights of simplified rule

The Many Flavors of RAD
Unique challenges of completing conversions

A Visit to SF-RAD
Largest government-to-private ownership conversion in history

RAD Green Incentive

Low Income Housing Tax Credit 

A Dependable Advocate
Senator Cantwell argues for more LIHTC

Beware the Aggregator
Avoiding bad investor exits

CASE STUDY: Rehabbing Hope
Detroit crime swamp transformed River Crest lobby fountain

Ernst & Young Corporate Tax Fund Watch


Marty Bell: Blueprint for April, We need advocates

Thom Amdur: New Developments, Trump budget neglects the neediest

David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, RAD and the preference cascade

Scott Beyer: Housing USA, San Francisco: Sleeping in a closet