Workforce & Mixed Income Housing Case Studies

Income Averaging Generates Workforce Units
Makes projects more feasible, retains residents as careers improve

Weathering Wintergreen
Living in resorts on worker wages

Workforce Housing 2.0
MassHousing initiative planning second phase

The Evolution of the ‘Company Town’
Employer-provided workforce housing


Marty Bell: Blueprint for June, The joy of commuting

Thom Amdur: New Developments, Meeting the workforce housing demand

David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, The upside of true shared ownership

Scott Beyer: Housing USA, Settling in Jersey

Monthly Features

Talking Heads, Ted Toon, Senior Advisor, Office of Multifamily Housing, Federal Housing Administration
What’s coming for RAD, MAP and OZ?

Land of OZ
Opportunity Zone regulations part two: the devil’s details

 Ernst & Young Corporate Tax Credit Fund Watch