HUD released its annual notice on voucher funding, PIH 2019-8, Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2019 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. HUD has resumed its practice of making Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPVs) available for units that were occupied within the past 24 months. Last year, due to funding restrictions, HUD initially offered TPVs only to units occupied at the time of the conversion action. The Notice states, “in addition to providing replacement vouchers for occupied units, as described in PIH Notice 2018-09, HUD will also provide replacement TPVs for vacant units that were occupied within the previous 24 months and are no longer available as assisted housing, subject to the availability of funding.” The Notice also immediately makes available the $5 million set-aside for certain at-risk households in low-vacancy areas like mortgage maturities.