Hillary Zimmerman, president of McCormack Baron Asset Management and senior vice president and general counsel of McCormack Baron, will retire March 31, the company announced. Zimmerman is celebrating 39 years with McCormack Baron and has participated in almost every aspect of its work. After attaining partnership at the Greenfield, Davidson, Mandelstamm & Voorhees law firm in St Louis, she joined McCormack Baron as a transactional lawyer overseeing the closing of all of McCormack Baron’s development projects in the 1980s and 90s. She became an industry specialist in the design and implementation of soft financing with state, housing authority and nonprofit lenders to the McCormack Baron deals. She created the Asset Management company in 2004 to oversee the existing McCormack Baron portfolio and added the servicing of more than 200 outside partnerships at the request of a major national investor. She developed a disposition program for McCormack Baron, which has made a substantial contribution to the company’s profitability.