The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association’s Legislative Leadership Council convened for the first time September 28, in Washington DC and met with Assistant Secretary for Public & Indian Housing Sandra Henriquez, DAS for Public Housing Investment Dominque Blom and DAS for Multifamily Housing Carol Galante.  Topics of discussion included:

  • Current HUD budget/appropriations and priorities, including Transformation of Rental Assistance, Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, and the Administration’s long-term preservation and affordable housing plans;
  • Status of HUD’s update of the MAP program;
  • Utility allowances
  • Mixed-finance/HOPE VI operating issues, including chronic shortfalls in operating subsidy;
  • Broadening the investor market for the LIHTC

A full report from the meeting will be provided by NH&RA later this week.

NH&RA’s Legislative Leadership Committee directs the association’s public policy and advocacy efforts.  The Committee works with key leaders in the House of Representatives, Senate, White House, Department of Housing & Urban Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of Treasury, Department of Energy and other agencies to insure that our members are well represented in the public policy discourse.  Interested parties should contact Thom Amdur at (202) 939-1753 for more details.

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