Connecticut: Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) has notified the public of proposed amendments to the Housing Tax Credit Contribution (HTCC) Procedures. Proposed amendments are posted on the agency’s website.

North Carolina: The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency has added the following clarifying language to the Final 2015 QAP (Section IV.A.1(b)(ii) under the Secondary Amenities chart):

“Only one establishment will count for each row under Primary and Secondary Amenities.  For example, an application for a site with a public park, middle school and community center all between one mile and two miles will receive only 2 points under Public Facility.”

Ohio: The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has released an updated version of the application package for the 2015 Housing Tax Credit program year.

FAQ’s for the 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan have been updated and posted to the agency’s website.

Registration has opened for the Statewide Housing Policy Summit, taking place Tuesday, December 16 in Columbus, Ohio. Register today and take advantage of the opportunity to support development of the policy pools considered for the 2016-2017 Qualified Allocation Plan.

PP&D has posted revised guidelines for the Housing Development Loan (HDL) Program 2015 program year in an effort to identify recommendations for improvement and to invite public comment. Staff will consider comments for the next 30 days with a second draft expected in December 2014.

The 2014 Multifamily Bond Gap Financing Program results are in. The BGF Program, which includes up to $1 million in Ohio Housing Trust Fund (OHTF) dollars, helps developers make 4% housing tax credit developments more feasible. A total of $4,350,000 in HDAP funds has been reserved for the five projects selected to move forward. An additional five projects will remain on the BGF waiting list.

Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency has released additional information regarding the Agency’s Passive House and Enterprise Green Communities requirements for the PHFA 2015 LIHTC Application.

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency has revised their Passive House requirements.