Elevate Energy has joined forces with New Ecology to help affordable housing property owners and managers to reduce their property’s energy costs. They are offering free baselining services to multifamily affordable housing properties in Illinois, Missouri, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania, along with the Richmond, VA, Metro area.

In order to qualify to receive a free baseline assessment, properties must:

  • Serve low/moderate income households (up to 80% Area Median Income).
  • Be located in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Missouri, or Maryland.
  • Be master-metered for gas and/or electric or provide whole-building data.
  • Have at least five units, and at least one year of past utility records.

Elevate Energy and New Ecology Inc. use a technology called WegoWise, which collects and monitors buildings’ monthly energy use. The data is downloaded to property owners’ WegoWise accounts, where Elevate Energy and New Ecology help connect the dots on trends and patterns in their energy usage. Based on this information, they offer suggestions to reduce the properties’ energy costs.

Click here for more information, including answers to frequently asked questions.