In the development of the 2016 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan and Uniform Multifamily Rules, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs staff is seeking input through an Online Forum for discussion on specific scoring items and/or other topics related to its multifamily funding activities.  The Forum includes some preliminary ideas on proposed changes and corresponding language intended to generate discussion that could be beneficial as staff continues to evolve the QAP and Rules into a draft that will be presented before the Department’s Governing Board on September 3, 2015.  When questions arise in the Forum, staff will attempt to provide additional information, clarification, or other ideas for participants to review and consider. However, participants should not expect a response to all posted questions.  As staff?s draft of the QAP and Uniform Rules come together, staff may post additional items so please check the discussion forum often for any updates. The 2016 QAP and Uniform Multifamily Rules Discussion Forum can be accessed using the following link: