Oregon Housing and Community Services is in the midst of several planning efforts, including the Qualified Allocation Plan, or QAP, 2016 LIHTC NOFA. OHCS has had several stakeholder meetings to date and have one final meeting coming up this week. The third and final developer roundtable will be this Friday, September 18th from 8:30 am to Noon at the OHCS offices, 725 Summer Street NE, Salem, in Rooms 124 A&B. You can join by phone by calling 1-877-273-4202 and using passcode 4460912. At this meeting, participants will finish up the conversation about the 9% LIHTC program, OHCS will share proposed changes to both the 9% LIHTC program and the 4% LIHTC program, and let you know what’s next for the process. As a reminder, OHCS is still accepting written comments on the proposed changes:

If you were unable to join the discussion on the 9% LIHTC, you can find the discussion guide here, and OHCS will accept comments in writing until September 18, 2015.

If you were unable to join the discussion on the 4% LIHTC, you can find the discussion guide here, and OHCS will accept comments in writing until September 18, 2015.