Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) has released its 2016 NOFA for the new Mental Health Housing funds. This is a new funding source with differing requirements and scoring from other OHCS funding programs. A scoring committee will competitively score 4 sections of the application:

  1. Need
  2. Impact
  3. Financial Viability
  4. Capacity

A Mental Health Housing NOFA training session will be held in Salem, July 18th, 2016 at Oregon Housing and Community Services in room 124,725 Summer St NE, Salem OR 97301 from 1:30–3:00 pm.

Funding allocations for each housing type:

1. Supported Housing (mental health)* $10M
     a. Metro set-aside      $5M
     b. Non-Metro set-aside      $5M
2. Supported Housing (addiction disorders) $5M
3. Supportive/Transitional Housing (both) $2.5M
4. Crisis Respite Housing $2.5M

*Only 25% of the units in a building or complex of buildings may be reserved for tenants with Serious Mental Illness (SMI), referred by the state or its contractors who shall make good faith, best efforts to facilitate the use of those units by persons with SMI.