The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the training materials for both the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) have been compiled and are posted in the following locations:


HOME NOFA #4610:

Information gleaned from the FAQs include the following:

  • HTF can be given as a loan rather than a grant if specifically requested
  • HTF grants can be loaned from the General Partner to the Partnership
  • If leveraging local HOME funds, applicants need only submit the letter of intent to fund as proof of consideration
  • Third-party cost estimate is not required at time of application, but will be a condition of reservation if the project is selected for funding
  • HTF may be combined with Project Based Vouchers

As a reminder, any questions related to the NOFAs must be submitted to the email address per the NOFA instructions and announcement. Phone calls and direct emails to loan officers will be referred back to