HUD announced the FY 2018 allocation in the Federal Register on Tuesday. The Housing Trust Fund is purposed with increasing and preserving the supply of rental housing affordable to those with incomes below 50% AMI as well as home ownership opportunities for families with extremely low and low incomes (0-30%AMI and 30-50% AMI). The $266 million is distributed by state population, with the small state minimum set at $3 million. The list of state allocation numbers is found below as well as in the notice.

Grantee FY 2018 allocation
Alabama $3,000,000
Alaska 3,000,000
Arizona 3,997,777
Arkansas 3,000,000
California 36,616,277.45
Colorado 3,563,587
Connecticut 3,269,474
Delaware 3,000,000
District of Columbia 3,000,000
Florida 10,442,914
Georgia 5,705,499
Hawaii 3,000,000
Idaho 3,000,000
Illinois 9,812,230
Indiana 3,937,462
Iowa 3,000,000
Kansas 3,000,000
Kentucky 3,000,000
Louisiana 3,068,829
Maine 3,000,000
Maryland 3,578,771
Massachusetts 5,720,333
Michigan 6,004,558
Minnesota 3,445,781
Mississippi 3,000,000
Missouri 3,970,270
Montana 3,000,000
Nebraska 3,000,000
Nevada 3,000,000
New Hampshire 3,000,000
New Jersey 7,726,903
New Mexico 3,000,000
New York 22,171,681
North Carolina 5,874,191
North Dakota 3,000,000
Ohio 6,971,712
Oklahoma 3,000,000
Oregon 3,654,189
Pennsylvania 7,759,948
Rhode Island 3,000,000
South Carolina 3,007,655
South Dakota 3,000,000
Tennessee 3,688,511
Texas 12,279,085
Utah 3,000,000
Vermont 3,000,000
Virginia 4,672,562
Washington 5,197,313
West Virginia 3,000,000
Wisconsin 4,117,505
Wyoming 3,000,000
Puerto Rico 1,253,357
America Samoa 11,995
Guam 97,028
Northern Marianas 53,415
Virgin Islands 104,591