The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) released the Final Housing for a Healthy California (HHC) Program Guidelines. The Guidelines incorporate feedback from participants through public comment letters, and additional conversations and research during the public outreach period.

AB 74 was signed into law in September of 2017, which authorized HCD to develop and implement the HHC program. The goal of the HHC program is to reduce the over-utilization of emergency departments, inpatient care, nursing home stays, and use of corrections systems and law enforcement resources for people who are Chronically Homeless or Homeless and a High-cost health user.

The HHC program will provide funding on a competitive basis to deliver supportive housing opportunities through grants to counties for capital and operating assistance or operating reserve grants and capital loans to developers. Two separate Notices of Funding Availability will be released in Spring 2019, one for each Article. For more information, visit the Housing for a Healthy California webpage.