The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency is reviewing potential amendments for the next revision to the QAP and is interested in soliciting input from stakeholders, developers, community partners and interested parties. The Agency appreciates your honest feedback in order to further refine and develop the QAP’s policies to better meet the affordable housing needs in New Jersey. Feel free to respond to the specific questions below or submit general feedback on the QAP and/or the process. Please submit your comments to the LIHTC Mailbox by March 20, 2020.

  1. How often should the QAP be revised? The Agency has pledged to keep each QAP in place for a minimum of two years but is considering keeping the current QAP in place for additional time.
  2. In your opinion, has the QAP point system been successful in selecting projects that are in high opportunity areas?
  3. Should the points for proficient school districts and Municipal Revitalization Index (MRI) ranking be on a sliding scale?
  4. Should the Agency require a net zero energy standard, such as Passive House for all new housing?
  5. Do you feel the residents (both general population and supportive housing) are receiving the support and services that they need?
  6. Should all projects that receive LIHTCs be required to waive the Qualified Contract option?
  7. Should additional consideration be given to projects that are “ready to proceed?” (final site plan approval, 100 percent construction drawings, etc.)
  8. Do you have experience with “twinning” or “hybrid” four percent and nine percent tax credit projects?
  9. Should the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative set aside be reinstated?