Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for Round 2 of the 2022 LIHTC Program. It is anticipated that approximately $1 million in LIHTCs will be available, including $375,000 from the Rural Development (RD) set-aside. The RD set-aside is carried forward to Round 2 because there were no eligible projects in Round 1. If there are no eligible RD applications in Round 2, the HTCs will be available to other projects in Round 2.   

Section 811 Supportive Housing Project Rental Assistance (PRA) and Amortizing Mortgages are also available for Round 2. Additional deferred loan resources are not anticipated to be available in HTC Round 2. 

Important Dates 

Supplemental priority in Round 2 will be given to projects that: 

  • Have previously received HTCs from Minnesota Housing or a suballocator; and 
  • Have an annual HTC shortfall of at least five percent, but not more than 33.33 percent of the total qualified annual HTC amount. 

If more than one project qualifies under the supplemental priority, Minnesota Housing will evaluate and rank eligible requests according to points claimed in the Self-Scoring Worksheet and utilize the tie breaker process as outlined in the 2022-2023 QAP.