Minnesota Housing released the data for the 2022 Consolidated RFP/2023 LIHTC program year. Methodologies have been updated to reflect the most current data sources. Communities that did not previously meet criteria were added if they now meet the thresholds with the updated data. No communities were removed from the originally published methodologies. 

Applicants that applied but were not selected for funding in the 2021 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2022 LIHTC Round 1 and/or 2022 LIHTC Round 2 to reapply and use geographic scores from the prior year. Refer to the Methodology Table for additional details. 

New applicants must use the 2022 Consolidated RFP/2023 LIHTC geographic scores. The ability to use the prior year’s geographic scores only applies to applicants that previously applied and who were not selected for funding.