HUD awarded approximately $18 million in grant funding and loan commitments under the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) to owners of properties participating in HUD-Assisted Multifamily Housing programs. Congratulations to NH&RA members receiving funding through the Elements category: Enterprise Community Development, Fairstead, Homes for America, McCormack Baron Salazar, POAH, Related Affordable and Vitus.

Elements awards provide funding for property owners to include climate resilience and energy and water efficiency improvements at properties that are already in the process of a development or rehabilitation transaction. Upgrades financed under the Elements category will support a range of improvements, such as installation of heat-wave resilient cool roofs and fire-resistant roofs, on-site solar power systems, insulation and air sealing, heat pumps, energy efficient windows and similar upgrades.

Applications for the three GRRP categories (Elements, Leading Edge and Comprehensive) will be accepted on a rolling basis. The next applications are due on September 28 for the Elements, October 31 for Leading Edge and November 30 for Comprehensive.