The Biden-Harris administration released a new resource to help take action to address homelessness, The U.S. Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health. The Playbook highlights the importance of housing as a key driver of health outcomes and addresses the root causes of health disparities. HUD organized it into three pillars: expand data gathering and sharing, support flexible funding for social needs and support backbone organizations.

Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Framework. The Framework gives states guidance to structure housing and nutrition needs programs for some Medicaid participants in high need populations and will complement existing HUD programs. HUD and HHS are also selecting four states to participate in a federal technical assistance effort to help implement Medicaid housing-related HRSNs in partnership with state and local programs. The state teams will include Medicaid, behavioral health, housing and homeless agencies, and aging and disability agencies to complete a needs assessment and implement coaching and learning opportunities.