Unmute the Mic – Twinning Affordable Housing With Historic Tax Credits in 2021

March 18, 2021

3 – 4: 30 pm ET

NH&RA invites you to join us this Thursday (March 18) at 3:00 pm ET for the next installment of our Unmute the Mic Series. Join us to learn the latest Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit developments. The session will emphasize opportunities and strategies to twin the HTC with affordable housing resources, including HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program and state and federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).

Five Reasons to Attend:

  1. Access the Latest Updates on State and Federal Legislative Developments Relating to the Historic Tax Credit, including the HTC-Go Act and the Revitalizing Economies, Housing and Businesses (REHAB) Act of 2021
  2. Explore How To Position Historic Development Opportunities to Maximize Their Competitive for Affordable Housing Resources
  3. Identify Non-Traditional Historic Preservation Development Opportunities
  4. Share Advocacy Strategies To Position Historic Projects for Competitive Allocations of LIHTCs
  5. Delve Into the Latest Dynamics Relating to the National Park Service and SHPOs Processing of HTC Submissions

Speakers Include:

  • Thom Amdur, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association
  • Cindy Hamilton, Heritage Consulting Group
  • Merrill Hoopengardner, National Trust Community Investment Corporation
  • Owen Metz, Dominium Development & Acquisition, LLC
  • Albert Rex, MacRostie Historic Advisors, LLC

Registration Fees

Webinar Registration
Cutoff Date NH&RA Member Non-Member
Regular Rate
March 18, 2021
$0.00 $75.00
