Upcoming Webinar: Unlocking the 2010 Census Data

The National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts (NCAHMA) is please to announce the first in our "Learn While You Lunch" Webinar Series on February 16, 2012. The series will convene every other month to explore critical topics pertaining to affordable housing market analysis, underwriting and development. See below for additional details.

Unlocking the 2010 Census Data

February 16, 2012 ~ 11:30 a.m. EDT

Determining the feasibility of an affordable development is a complicated process predicated on multiple factors. One of the most challenging task for any market analyst or underwriter is drawing effective conclusions from demographic data. This is complicated further by structural changes in the 2010 Census and American Community Survey, two of the most commonly used data sources.

As a service to the industry, NCAHMA, in partnership with Tax Credit Advisor, is pleased to host a webinar on Thursday, February 16 at 11:30 am EDT entitled "Unlocking the 2010 Census Data". This webinar will provide an overview of what data is available through the Census and American FactFinder Database and how professionals can navigate and manipulate data sets critical to affordable housing underwriting including:

  • Age, Income & Population Data
  • Household Characteristics
  • Distributions of Owner and Renter House Holds
  • Commuting Data
  • …and Much More

This practical tutorial will walk participants through affordable housing specific data access scenarios in real time and will also provide a forum for question and answers. A future webinar will explore the practical limitations of data available. The tutorials will be lead by:

Rob Chestnut, U.S. Census Bureau
Rob is the branch chief for the DADS (Data Access and Dissemination Systems) Requirements and Stakeholder Relations Team (RSR). He joined the DADS program in 2008 and oversees a team that acts as liaisons for the DADS Program stakeholders including multiple divisions within Census and external data users. Rob also oversees all the communications, training, and outreach activities for the NEW American FactFinder. Prior to joining the DADS team, Rob worked in the Foreign Trade Division at the Census Bureau for 9 years. Chestnut received a Bachelor of Science in Sociology from the University of Maryland.

Who Should Attend

  • Market Analysts
  • Appraisers
  • Developers
  • Equity & Debt Underwriters
  • Housing Finance Agencies

How to Sign Up

Registration for this event is FREE! Space is limited though so sign up soon to guarantee your spot. Simply click here to be redirected to the registration page and submit the required information.

Questions? Need help? Contact Thom Amdur at (202) 939-1753 or [email protected].

About the Webinar Series

Beginning February 16, NCAHMA will host webinars every other month on a series of critical market study and underwriting topics including:

  • Unlocking the 2010 Census Data Part 2: Understanding the Capacity and Limitations of Census Data
  • Market Analysis 101: An Overview of NCAHMA’s Model Content Standards
  • Selecting Comparable Properties
  • Determining Market Area
  • Calculating Market Rent
  • Recommended Practices for Determining Demand
  • …and Much More

Check back soon for an updated webinar calendar.

Sponsored By

Tax Credit Advisor

Sponsorship Opportunities

Our first webinar, "Unlocking the 2010 Census Data" is brought to you for free thanks to the generous sponsorship of Tax Credit Advisor. If you would like to learn how to sponsor future webinars contact Thom Amdur at 202-939-1753 or [email protected].