HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PDR) has published a new report that examines redistribution of 2012 CDBG Program funding as a result of the program now relying on the American Community Survey (ACS) data and 2012 Census population counts. The report, entitled “Redistribution Effect of Introducing 2010 Census and 2005″“2009 ACS Data into The CDBG Formula” introduces the ACS to CDBG stakeholders and provides detailed information on how using the 2010 Census and ACS data shifts funding amounts. Also published is a supplemental data table, which provides detailed information on the data used to determine each community’s formula allocation, as well as changes in their relative shares. Note: the data compares actual FY 2011 allocations with alternate allocations using FY 2011 appropriations and does not reflect the change in appropriation between FY 2011 and FY 2012.

Download the report here.
Download the supplemental data table here.