Florida Housing expects to offer an estimated $2,185,789 of Low Income Housing Tax Credits for new construction, redevelopment or rehabilitation of Family or Elderly (non-Assisted Living Facility) properties in areas where a Local Government is implementing a planned initiative in partnership with private and other public stakeholders to invest funding and other resources to rejuvenate the area. This Request for Applications includes an incentive for Applicants to commit to provide mixed-income units.

Florida Housing plans to issue an RFA for this financing on November 20, 2015. In addition to the eligibility criteria and mandatory items that are required by applicants, applications will be scored on a number of narrative items including (but not limited to) how the proposed development aligns with local revitalization initiatives. The criteria for this and the other narrative scoring items, as well as the rest of the requirements, may be found in the draft RFA at the website address below. To be competitive, applicants must be experienced in developing affordable multifamily housing according to the RFA requirements, but strong involvement from the local government in the community where the proposed development will be located is more likely to make for a strong application. Please pass this announcement along to anyone in your local government who you think might be interested.

To solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons about the proposed RFA, a workshop is scheduled for 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on Thursday, November 5, 2015. The workshop will be available by telephone or interested parties may attend in person at Florida Housing’s offices located at 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida. A draft of the RFA, agenda for the workshop and the call-in information are posted on the Florida Housing website.