Florida Housing has posted revised Development Cost Pro Formas for RFAs 2018-110, 2018-111, 2018-112, 2018-113, 2018-114, and 2018-115.  The formula in Row 433 was not deducting the demolition and relocation costs from the Total Development Costs per unit when the Application qualifies for the PHA is a Principal Add-On.  This is an unscored item on the Development Cost Pro Forma and will not affect an Applicant’s ability to have the demolition and relocation costs deducted from the Total Development Costs per unit when the Application qualifies for the PHA is a Principal Add-On; however, in order for Applications that qualify for the Add-On Bonus to see the correct TDC Per Unit amount that will be used for the TDC per Unit Limitation, Applicants must use the corrected form.