On December 20, HUD announced two new requests for information (RFIs) seeking recommendations for how to improve the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) programs. The two requests for feedback are part of HUD’s Climate Action Plan and mark the first time HUD has sought public input on how to simplify, modernize, and more equitably distribute federal disaster recovery aid to impacted communities. HUD estimates it currently takes a year and a half from when a disaster occurs until the first CDBG-DR dollar is spent on physical housing recovery. HUD hopes these RFIs will reduce the lag time between disasters and when those in need use recovery funds. One RFI is focused on rules, waivers and alternative requirements and the second is for comments on the formula used to determine funding amounts. The deadline to comment on either RFI is February 21.