Thomas Amdur Author Archives

NH&RA News

NH&RA Hosts ICAST IRA & BIL Instant Benefit Estimate Calculator

ICAST’s IRA & BIL Instant Benefit Estimate Calculator is now available on NH&RA’s website under the Resources section.

A Greener Industry

National Housing & Rehabilitation Association members have a reputation as the most innovative minds in affordable housing, historic preservation, and community development finance. I am constantly impressed by the creative strategies and structures that they use to combine and leverage a myriad of federal, state, and local grant, loan, and tax credit programs to finance their projects.

Why We Advocate

The passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) in the final days of the 112th Congress was an important victory for affordable housing and new markets tax credit developers, professionals, and advocates around the country.

A Matter of Vision

Sometimes it feels like our lives are a progression of acute crises. It is rare that an initiative or transaction goes exactly as planned, and in adversity it easy to lose sight of the big picture. As I write this column on December 12, the fiscal cliff looms ever closer and the Northeast begins the long recovery from Hurricane Sandy’s devastation.

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